You Are Loved

By Melissa - Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.

John 4:23-24 (New International Version)


I have looked to God for many hours and meditated on those verses.

As a worshipper first, then a worship leader, it is my heart’s quest to bring a new sound to heaven. An anthem of praise, a banner of extravagant worship hung high across this generation.

Now listen, because this is important.

Regardless of how incredible the musical compositions, beyond the shouts and cries, above all else, to worship is to be lost in loving Him.

It transcends the circumstance you reeled in, the tribulations obstructing your path, whether or not you are ‘in the mood’ to do it.

Worship is a time for you to express your adoration and declare your love for the One who first loved you.

It is a time for you to be overgenerous in your praises, superfluous in your adoration, lavishing Him with gratitude and being profusely in awe of the Magnificent King.

To come to that point, to reach that climax, you have to be inherent of your worth in Christ Jesus.

You have to be rooted in your heritage – You are heirs of the Most High God, you are called His beloved and most importantly, you are deeply loved and highly favoured by Him.

A price was paid for your ransom, for you to live more abundantly than ever before.

He was blameless, but He became sin’s offering. His life was the price paid, for our salvation.

When you begin to grasp, become aware and cognizant of the full measure of His love, I assure you, a free-flow of tears would stream down your face.

To even begin to comprehend it, I am at a loss for words. It is unimaginable, undeserved. Yet, it is so gentle and tangible, without reservation.

The time has come, for us to settle in the security, rest in the assurance that we are loved.

However, it is no highway option, no easy route, most certainly not a boulevard to reach the gateway.

It is a long and winding road (Ah, the Beatles!) to the top of the hill. Upon reaching nonetheless, a phenomenal view bursts in grandeur.

I remember a piece of correspondence I wrote to my Worship Team after Alive! Concert. Here is an excerpt of what I said.

“In spite of all we have done tonight, the most glorious moments of your worship should never be when you are up on the platform. It should be that of your personal moments with Him, just you and Him alone.”

Begin to rise up in worship, your mouths shouting aloud His praises. Let your face radiate His beauty and your being, shine forth His glory.

I love you dearly,

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