Loving Worship

By Melissa - Monday, July 11, 2011

“I slid out of bed early this morning, switched on my home’s computer and began to Youtube songs – prepping for the weekend.”

That was the supposed first line for my entry early this week, which endured several days of delay, as you well know now.

This week was a packed one – Had a rehearsal on Monday, prepared my songs list by Thursday, music rehearsal on Friday, worship practice early Saturday morning, worship led for my friend’s (who made such a beautiful bride) wedding at my first ever wedding worship leading engagement in the evening, worship led for Sunday Service this morning - My weekend was filled with singing engagements.

I’m excited, and really thrilled to be doing once again what I love doing the most.

As I reflected on the incredible journey I’ve been on to a new place for the past four months, it has been one of the most tumultuous and challenging times of my life. But, it has also been one of the most rewarding.

I re-discovered myself again. I found what I am made of, who I truly am on the inside, what I really love doing – what drives me to do just that and what are the motives behind it. It is a special heart and attitude check.

Worship has always captivated my heart in a very distinctive way, it always has.

One of the things I continually speak of about worship is to not take our gifts for granted and to use them wisely; perpetually remembering to channel all the glory to God and not ourselves. And, that is SO true. There is nothing in us worth heralding or lauding about – After all, none we have are ours to claim.

However, recent days have had me meditating and seeing worship, gifts and serving in a completely different light.

I learned that true worship (worship in the essence of its word is ‘worth-ship’ – to accolade worth to something or someone) requires us to love God more than we love our gifts. (That’s a tough one, really!)

As a person who relishes the creative side of things, it is difficult to imagine life without the gifts that has been entrusted to me. I daresay my heart aches and it pains me (even if it’s just momentarily) to try and make out life without creative urges.

But, I am taught and am learning that in as much as I love gifts, talents and creativity, real and truthful worship is not about using our gifts to make a joyful noise unto the Lord or infuse His throne with the sweet aroma of His people congregating to worship Him – It’s about loving Him, and just that, period.

I promise to write more on this in the near future.

It IS 12.45am now, and my eyes are beginning to look more and more like slits by the second.

As you begin a new week, I pray that His love infuses your life, His promises be your assurance and security, His grace keep and sustain you throughout.

With all my love for you,

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