Looking Back Without Regrets

By Melissa - Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I have been MIA from blogging for 4 days now because of the festivities, but from the bottom of my heart, I honestly do not see the reason of busting my butt to make my house appear spick and span (It already is, in my opinion) as well as spending the entire day in the kitchen only to have prepared food masticated in less than half an hour.

So, I have been pensively searching on what to write about and I finally arrived on something: Looking Back Without Regrets. I am honest enough to concur that I do not have all the answers, neither do I know everything about life and all it offers. My journey is still unfolding before me and I still have so much to learn. However, with the little which I have acquired, I will share with you.

Several years back (It makes me seem so old, but I am getting old), I fell madly in love.

I was reckless abandon in love and I let slip everything I hold on to. I knew deep inside of me it was not ‘right’, it was clear from the very beginning but my feelings and desires got better of me.

Finally, after 1yr, I plucked up enough courage to do the right thing.

Naturally, hours and hours of tears followed suit, constant mood and weight fluctuations as well. The only consolation I dearly clung on to was I had made the right choice.

I was defiant of my beliefs, moody and appeared to be tough on the outside but was silently crying myself to sleep.

After 4years now, I look back through the corridors of time and know with assurance, I have indeed made the right decision. Too much was at stake and it would not have worked out later on in life.

I have spared myself from much more heartache by ending the short indulgence.

I have learned there is no right and wrong, many times issues appearing to be irrational to others, making them wonder where on earth our 3pound jelly-like substance containing approximately 100billion neurons is but somehow, it makes perfect sense to us.

There is no single, perfect formula to categorize what is right from wrong.

What we can do to ameliorate ourselves from being caught in a web of bloopers and perpetual wheel of regret is to set principles and hold on to it. Make a conscious effort to distinguish what is acceptable and what isn’t, have a steadfast and unmoved mind.

For me, it is my religion: My love for my Saviour, my eagerness to please Him and for my heart to be in sync with His which keeps me going. For you, it may be something else. Find something that works and don’t let go of that.

With love and belief in all of you,

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